Charlene and I have moved back to Texas-- Weatherford, Texas-- much closer to our family and the heart of the longhorn industry. We have a full time manager who has moved into the ranch house on our 5000 acre property near the Kansas/Oklahoma border in the scenic Flint Hills. Charlene is a native Texan with two children who live in Texas working as an oil and gas attorney and a land acquisition agent. She has worked in the real estate and financial industries. I am a retired surgeon educated at the University of Kansas, University of Texas and UCLA. My three children live in Austin, New York City and Peoria and work in the motion picture, oil shipping and food industries. I grew up on the family Flint Hills ranch but took a long leave of absence to practice medicine. We left Houston in 2013 and chose the completely different career path of raising longhorns. The rural life was a dramatic change from Houston and has been mostly positive for us except for the isolation from family in Texas. Living in Weatherford gives better access to family while still allowing easy access to the longhorns on the ranch 1-2 times a month. We think it is the best of both worlds.